Tried this Tool to improve wire pulling time?

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Bypassing the box happens to me by mistake. Not sure why I would want a tool to do it on purpose.

I'll Pass. Sounds like a way to burn up a lot of wire.
Bypassing the box happens to me by mistake. Not sure why I would want a tool to do it on purpose.

I'll Pass. Sounds like a way to burn up a lot of wire.

But this is intended to do just that on purpose. If you have a series of 10 boxes and you can push/pull you initial feed straight thru and then pull a loop at each box, it seems to me like a great asset. If you do not won't to bypass the box, then you would have no use for the tool.
If the issue is climbing through an attic and hitting your head looking for the J-Box and guiding your fish tape through it, then I don't think it will save much energy or effort considering that now you're just going to have to climb through an attic hitting your head to put that doohickey in the box.

And I don't know about you guys, but my conduits don't always land on a box directly across from each other.

Though I suppose in a long, straight run (like hallway lighting or something) it could come in handy.
Bypassing the box happens to me by mistake. Not sure why I would want a tool to do it on purpose.

I'll Pass. Sounds like a way to burn up a lot of wire.

More than once I've had to install more than 360? of bends in a run, but can pull the wires through it in one shot. The j-box is there simply because the code requires it. I'm not required to pull to the box, then through to the other end.

I've also run straight-as-an-arrow runs with boxes every so often for lighting. Pull the entire run in one shot, then pull loops into each box for make-up.
If the issue is climbing through an attic and hitting your head looking for the J-Box and guiding your fish tape through it, then I don't think it will save much energy or effort considering that now you're just going to have to climb through an attic hitting your head to put that doohickey in the box.
I 'spect one would put in the tubes when the boxes and conduit are installed.
It might do better than that product which is sliced open on one side... A piece of plastic sheet could over-lap. Also nothing a piece of duct tap couldn't solve.

IMO,,,,taking these straight out of the box and installing them in a run of conduit and boxes, then blowing in line,,,,,,,,as compared to pushing rat through each box,,,,,,,is barely, barely, gonna save you a very, few minutes.

Now figure in your time and material of rolling up tubes and taping them:confused:
appears to me that somebody somewhere had the initiative to develop a product of which had a demand. looks pretty handy for some commercial installs. and that guy who invented it is doing pretty well. it takes alot of time and money to develop a product from scratch...that new bender safety foot that comes on all new IDEAL benders....i filed for that patent 12 years ago..and after 8,000 spent in research and patent search and application i ran out of money....:mad:
IMO,,,,taking these straight out of the box and installing them in a run of conduit and boxes, then blowing in line,,,,,,,,as compared to pushing rat through each box,,,,,,,is barely, barely, gonna save you a very, few minutes.

Now figure in your time and material of rolling up tubes and taping them:confused:
Oh I did not say I was going to or have done that - but the time in locating an unavailable product may equal the time it would take to make its equivielnt for less... But - Since I just so happen to have a bunch of thin sheet plasting in my garage right now - I could make them faster and for less quite possibly.... ;) A sharp utility knife and a straight edge away - And BTW I don't think you would need to tape them... However the big time waster would be arranging a pull to use them on... Getting a set of boxes with in-line conduits of the same size - and runs that are 'pullable'.... Most of the time - I'm putting in a box due to the amount of bend if not the location. And the location may require 2+ 90's to get the conduit there... They are not all surface runs with only off-sets... Or no off-sets...

FWIW - I could have made 20 of them while I typed this.... ;)
appears to me that somebody somewhere had the initiative to develop a product of which had a demand. looks pretty handy for some commercial installs. and that guy who invented it is doing pretty well. it takes alot of time and money to develop a product from scratch...that new bender safety foot that comes on all new IDEAL benders....i filed for that patent 12 years ago..and after 8,000 spent in research and patent search and application i ran out of money....:mad:

Well so your saying IDEAL has it now? Let me ask you a question if it was 12 years ago or 50 years ago what was your application number ?

Meaning what was the results of you application final or not final ?

If its your invention you made and you filed even if you did not receive a valid patent in hand there are rules to over come but need facts ?

One big rule is never give up but as a electrician to a electrician pm me if you like .

I maybe able to help you a little with that if what you say is true facts .

I dont like bigg business or stealing ideas from the small guys.

Point is iam a electrician and i do not work for IDEAL !
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