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Is a supervisory control and data acquisition,(SCADA) a annunciator panel?

Your question is unclear. A SCADA system generally comprises many elements, one of which may be an annuciator for viewing system information and possibly controlling system inputs and outputs. They are widely used in chemical plants and oil refineries, to name two examples. A fire alarm control panel with its alarm and notification devices and remote annunciators can be considered specialized type of SCADA system.
No, but it might include Annunciation Panels.

The term is generic, but it is generally a geographically spread out process monitoring system. Usually scada systems are more monitoring a process then controlling it. If realtime control is involved it might be called a distributed control system (DCS). Scada term includes the whole system, PLCs, Historians, Communications, Operator Panels. Generally used for waste water, gas pipe lines, electrical grid. It is a supervisory monitoring (Trending, Logging, Alarming) of a system that should run itself.
In addition to the above posts Scada can open & close circuit breakers as well as monitoring their status. Logic level type relays with 24 VDC coils are the most common type I see used to open & close the breaker. Usually one for close & a second relay for open.
Is a supervisory control and data acquisition,(SCADA) a annunciator panel?

Well florida power has a SCADA BOX mounted next to there meter base on commercial jobs which we install for them and meter base enclosure on most of our projects .

It monitors watts/ volts /loads/ outages and sends info to there main control center .
Its a 36 x 36 x12inch deep box
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Where I work , an annunciator is a seperate device altogether . It usually " repeats " to a SCADA status point which in turn is transmitted to the system dispatcher .
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