EPA Lead abatement

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I?ve taken the class, sent the check to the EPA to register my company, safely buried all the paperwork in the office, and forgotten most of what went on in the class.

Does anybody know how the EPA plans to enforce the whole thing?

I heard that the EPA is no longer 100% funded by tax dollars; it is my understanding that the EPA plans to fine contractors as an income generator???!!!! Is this true?

Somebody told me that the EPA is sending out a letter to the building departments stating that building inspectors get a spiff if they report a contractors working with out the proper lead safety get-up. So basically you call for inspection, inspector shows up if your not registered with the EPA inspector turns you in and gets some of the fine. Is this true???
Our local association of electrical contractors is holding a meeting on Mon. May 10 on this very subject. I will, hopefully, know more then.
??????Can we pay our fines with carbon credits??????

Ya why not, if you are smart enough to, or have a good handle on the English language to read and comprehend the rules.

I?m looking at the paperwork now, in my state you have to list SSN numbers and addresses of the workers on the job. For me that?s no problem, I only get guys from my county. And why wouldn't I?

I can fill out paperwork, have some what of an office, I can follow directions. So ya, document who is on the job, have a safety meeting, and save some kids from lead. I got it.

I don?t do side jobs anyway, my guess is that inspectors now have a real monetary incentive to get out of the car and see which construction workers are killing people by not observing safe work practices.

I think I got the lead safe thing, document the testing of lead or lead painted surfaces, bring some plastic bags, gloves, warning signs, caution tape. Got it.

Can we build it? Yes, we can. ? Builder Bob?

I?m looking at the paperwork now, in my state you have to list SSN numbers and addresses of the workers on the job. For me that?s no problem, I only get guys from my county. And why wouldn't I?


The EPA appears to have expanded its authority somewhat.
Ike 5547 why do you say that , EPA does not share info with any agencies.

EPA simply fines business for not following safe work practices.

If you do not document what you are doing the employer faces a fine. How is that ?expanding the authority somewhat?.

Frankly, I follow the rules and pay taxes.

I am an American who employs Americans from the neighborhood, those guys pay taxes and have established residences. Who support local businesses. I am in favor of this new requirement.

This whole internet thing make me wonder who I am really talking to.
Ike 5547 why do you say that , EPA does not share info with any agencies.

EPA simply fines business for not following safe work practices.

If you do not document what you are doing the employer faces a fine. How is that “expanding the authority somewhat”.

Frankly, I follow the rules and pay taxes.

I am an American who employs Americans from the neighborhood, those guys pay taxes and have established residences. Who support local businesses. I am in favor of this new requirement.

This whole internet thing make me wonder who I am really talking to.

Self-righteous homilies aside, if the EPA, of all things, is requiring documentation like that (SSNs and etc.) it is unprecedented. Just an observation.
Ike5547, I understand your position.
Do not miss understand my questions. I welcome you to my country, a country of immigrants.

Ike5547, feel welcome here, if my words were offensive I am sorry. I am just questioning. It is my upbringing, my culture.

You ike5547 should not be bothered by the questions or rules, because of your hardship. Welcome to the form and country.

Please tell me how to do things in my country, so that you feel welcome here.

I am brass and assertive do to my upbringing, I am sorry, I was made to compete is sports and games, and that was bad.

Sorry, please tell me how I should do things, thank you for your help in this matter, no way I could ever do this with out you.
Ike5547, I understand your position.
Do not miss understand my questions. I welcome you to my country, a country of immigrants.

Ike5547, feel welcome here, if my words were offensive I am sorry. I am just questioning. It is my upbringing, my culture.

You ike5547 should not be bothered by the questions or rules, because of your hardship. Welcome to the form and country.

Please tell me how to do things in my country, so that you feel welcome here.

I am brass and assertive do to my upbringing, I am sorry, I was made to compete is sports and games, and that was bad.

Sorry, please tell me how I should do things, thank you for your help in this matter, no way I could ever do this with out you.

Hola Senor,

Thanks for your warm welcome. FWIW, I'm working on getting my green card.
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From what our DCA rep tells us, at the time you pull permits, the townships CAN NOT ask you if you are working "lead safe". However, from what I'm reading thus far, it appears that once you offer a "vig" to an municipal inspector for turning in a contractor that changes the landscape a bit.

BTW, I was told that there used to be an "opt-out" clause in the EPA rulings where a contractor was able to offer a homeowner the ability to opt out of the lead safe procedure and its associated cost if they signed a waiver. That no longer exists. A homeowner can "opt out" of the lead safe rule on their own if they're doing the work themselves. However, we cannot opt-out as contractors. Can anyone verify this ?
Maybe I should look into getting a job with EPA:grin:
Not A 1/2 bad idea....

From what our DCA rep tells us, at the time you pull permits, the townships CAN NOT ask you if you are working "lead safe". However, from what I'm reading thus far, it appears that once you offer a "vig" to an municipal inspector for turning in a contractor that changes the landscape a bit.

BTW, I was told that there used to be an "opt-out" clause in the EPA rulings where a contractor was able to offer a homeowner the ability to opt out of the lead safe procedure and its associated cost if they signed a waiver. That no longer exists. A homeowner can "opt out" of the lead safe rule on their own if they're doing the work themselves. However, we cannot opt-out as contractors. Can anyone verify this ?
Nearest I can tell - the worry really is NOT government enforcement - although when I took my class the instructors were talking about rumors of a hiatus due to the fact the EPA really had no clue what they were getting into, and that all but industry lobbyists had no clue this was coming... THEN - in a few months - they are going to make an example of a few people.

According to my Instructor... (Entertainment Mine..)
"The EPA will (beam down from their mother-ship in ZETA 5) stop by a few cities (with decent lodging, restaurants and entertainment) then drop by the building dept., and get a list of permits, then (hang a few contractors out on a cross by) examining certified, and identifying uncertified contractor work practices - levy a few beefy fines (drink some water, have a few aspirin), and head home. The contractors they do get - will spread the message...." I assume they'll come out of their lair a few times a year here and there in the next few years, then - fade off..

However - IMO the larger worry is down the line. Despite the fines if "caught" - you are opening yourself up to civil damages... When Lawyers looking into making a bit of mula start into commercials stating that construction work on their house can be profitable by suing the bejesus out of us. Because little Billy isn't a rocket scientist...

Or more likely looking to get your employees to get a claim going if they have a BLL that qualifies as an 'injury'...


As far as what you call "opt-out" there are a few ways, and right on the form you are supposed to keep from the 20 page book you're supposed to give them. (Last page)

Owner-occupant Opt-out Acknowledgment
[FONT=Monotype Sorts,Monotype Sorts][FONT=Monotype Sorts,Monotype Sorts]o [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Helvetica 45 Light,Helvetica 45 Light][FONT=Helvetica 45 Light,Helvetica 45 Light](A) I confirm that I own and live in this property, that no child under the age of 6 [/FONT]
[FONT=Helvetica 45 Light,Helvetica 45 Light]resides here, that no pregnant woman resides here, and that this property is not a child-occupied facility. [/FONT]
[/FONT]Note: [FONT=Helvetica 45 Light,Helvetica 45 Light][FONT=Helvetica 45 Light,Helvetica 45 Light]A child resides in the primary residence of his or her custodial parents, legal guardians, foster parents, or informal caretaker if the child lives and sleeps most of the time at the caretaker’s residence. [/FONT]
[/FONT]Note: [FONT=Helvetica 45 Light,Helvetica 45 Light][FONT=Helvetica 45 Light,Helvetica 45 Light]A child-occupied facility is a pre-1978 building visited regularly by the same child, under 6 years of age, on at least two different days within any week, for at least 3 hours each day, provided that the visits total at least 60 hours annually.[/FONT]
Denial, Anger, Barganing, Depression, Acceptance.

Denial, Anger, Barganing, Depression, Acceptance.

ok .. This is what I have been told.

The local AHJ here will not be doing any enforcement for the EPA lead thing. They would have to go to a 1 week class to get certified as a EPA lead abatement contractor and they are not interested. There are 50 new EPA inspector positions opening up in Florida and if you are caught once its a slap on the wrist. Twice they put you down forever.
Having said that, The rule of thumb is on pre 77 houses

If its an emergency, does not apply.

More than 6 square feet of wall disturbed inside
More than 20 square feet of wall disturbed outside
If there is a pregnant woman or a child under 6 years of age
If federal money is involved.

Ya got a had them a booklet and practice safe lead construction.

If you do more you get to charge more. Like everyone else.
Once you start wrapping your head around all this, its simple and easy.

The steps of all this will be


Get a grip people. Its nothing but a thing. Lets leap to the last stage.
It is sad, I currently pass 6 active job sites on pre 1978 homes every day. Only one is operating lead safe. One has no permit and has completely poisoned a 2 block radius with lead dust (or at least the home). The others apparently do not have a clue...though they are a bit neater. I guess one of the 4 EPA guys in our region could stop in and make a few examples.

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