Em/ Battery backup lights not working

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One other possibility is that the emergency lights are not powered continuously. If so, they would activate every time the circuit was powered down and the batteries would likely be toast by now if that occurred with any frequency.
Did the charge indication light go off when you flipped the breaker? While the code requires the unit equipment power to come from the same circuit that supplies the area lighting, sometimes the EM lights are connected to another circuit,

That is an easy test to start with, and we found that to be the case many times.
Did the charge indication light go off when you flipped the breaker? While the code requires the unit equipment power to come from the same circuit that supplies the area lighting, sometimes the EM lights are connected to another circuit,

I didn't know that...there are separate panels for the EM power, located on the first floor, that serves all floors, separate breakers for each floor.

We use IOTA em. packs/ballasts. Here's what the instructions say:

Initial Testing: Charge for 1 hr, then press the button for a short discharge test. Allow 24 hr. charge for a 1 hr. test.
I would say the building inspector or the fire inspector. EM lights are not required in the NEC. Though 700.4(A) does say that the AHJ shall conduct and witness a test....
Just completed a service call to a newly completed school that failed an occupancy inspection because of non-working em lights.

Called us because we were closer than installing contractor and passing inspection immediately was paramount.

Replaced numerous bad batteries. Passed inspection.

Original batteries couldn't have been more than a year old.

10 to 1, the circuit is being turned off at night, seen that many times. The batteries finally say enough!
Actually the em lights and exits are on a different circuit(same panel oboviously) and I did not see if the charging light stayed on when we flipped the breaker.
Actually the em lights and exits are on a different circuit(same panel oboviously) and I did not see if the charging light stayed on when we flipped the breaker.

If it was installed per print this way, it may turn out to be a change order for your company.

It should not of passed inspection the first time.
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