Passed ICC Comm. Electrical Inspector

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Passed ICC Comm. Electrical Inspector

Typical inspector, showing his ego.:D

Good job, now get out there and start paying taxes!!
Passed ICC Test

Passed ICC Test

Garden Grove is in So. California, I'm Just Pleased the Studying is Over for Now!! Hoping That This Certification Will Open Some Doors Down The Road. I'd Like to Find a Inspection Position in Boise ID. (Moving Soon)
good luck, i was laid off from a twp in nj in feb and there is nothing, its all p-t no bennies! they wanted me 3 days a week 3 hrs a day, i said no way then uped to 13 hrs a week come in and do the work and leave as opposed to surfing the net all day when it was slow, i turned that down and won my UC benefits because by the time i drove to the office and back it wasnt worth it, its a good job when yer busy but when its slow it kinda sucks, id rather be busy with plan review and field inspections all day than bored, im thinking about putting the tools back on as i kept my electrical lic , in NJ ya cant do both its a conflict of interest, ya have be 2 jurisdictions away to do any contracting, work for another contractor or get this sell supplies! my buddy is still their building inspector and he was sanctioned for working at lowes, i kid u not
777, I wanted to give myself options, in this work market you never know what comes up! and if I have to put the tool belt back on I will. if an Inspection position opens thats good too! sorry to hear the work in that area is so spotty. I dont want part time work either i have bills to pay and family. right now I'm working full time.
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