Equipment Ground Lug

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The main panel is 400amp. The subpanel is 200amp. What type of lug do I use on the subpanel equipment ground bar to connect the ground conducter between the main and sub?

I have only been able to find Neutral lugs.

What amp rating must the lug have?

Please comment. thanks
Here is a nice picture of the setup

Is there a 200 amp breaker in the main panel feeding the sub-panel.
If so, your equipment ground bar should be adequate for the appropriate size wire.
Refer to 250.166 to size your equipment ground.

If you do need a lug, take close look at your "aluminum" lug. It is probably rated Cu-Al.
The lug you asked about won't have an ampere rating so much as a size rating. If fed from a circuit protected by an overcurrent device, use table 250.122 to find the proper size (#6 for 200 amp circuit).

But as suggested earlier, you may serve the customer better if you install a terminal strip for equipment grounding, and that you should get to match the panel.
The main 400amp panel has a 200 amp breaker feeding the 200 amp subpanel. The subpanel is an older Cutler-Hammer. It originally was the main, before the 400amp main was installed and this 200amp panel became a subpanel.

The installer put a 100amp rated neutral lug affixed on to the equipment grounding bar to connect the ground conductor coming from the main. Is the 100amp rated lug adequate for this 200amp subpanel?
The main 400amp panel has a 200 amp breaker feeding the 200 amp subpanel. The subpanel is an older Cutler-Hammer. It originally was the main, before the 400amp main was installed and this 200amp panel became a subpanel.

The installer put a 100amp rated neutral lug affixed on to the equipment grounding bar to connect the ground conductor coming from the main. Is the 100amp rated lug adequate for this 200amp subpanel?

If this is a ground bar then the ground only needs to be a #6 for 200 amp. T. 250.122.

Do you mean the grounded or grounding conductor. I hope you meant grounding conductor.
The main 400amp panel has a 200 amp breaker feeding the 200 amp subpanel. The subpanel is an older Cutler-Hammer. It originally was the main, before the 400amp main was installed and this 200amp panel became a subpanel.

The installer put a 100amp rated neutral lug affixed on to the equipment grounding bar to connect the ground conductor coming from the main. Is the 100amp rated lug adequate for this 200amp subpanel?

A #6 cu is sufficient to protect a 200 amp circuit. It is fine.

If the instructions included with the listing of this lug specify its use as a lug for a Grounded Conductor, then a picky person might cite 110.3(B), but you won't find any picky people here :roll: :grin:.
All good info, but no one as specifically answered my question.

There is a 100 amp. rated neutral lug (Homeline HOM100AN Neutral Terminal Kit) mounted to the ground equipment bar in the 200 amp subpanel. The green grounding conductor coming from the 400 amp main is secured to this lug.

Is this 100 amp rated neutral lug sufficient and safe?
Hardworker a few of us have already answered your question. The lugs are not rated by ampacity but rather by wire size. What size wire is in this lug?
Homeline 100 Amp Homeline Neutral Lug Kit HOM100AN by Square D By Schneider Electric #6720189
Neutral lug kits "homeline" amp rating=100
To confirm. Is this the grounded (neutral) terminal or equipment grounding (safety) connection.
For a 200 amp protected panel the equipment ground need not be but a #6 and should fit the equipment ground bar without a lug.
If you are speaking of the grounded (neutral) terminal for a 200 amp panel, the size of your grounded conductor and it's associated lug would depend on the calculated load.
If your wire is sized properly and fits the lug, you should have no problem.
Being a 200 amp panel, a 100 amp rated neutral assembly would not be adequate unless you have a calculated load of 100 amps or less.

The wire range on a HOM100AN is max of #2. So you need to knwo your neutral calculated load to see if a #2 is sufficient.
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Hardworker, part of the problem is the terminology that you are using. In your opening post you stated you had a neutral lug that you were connecting to the ground bar. So do we have a neutral or a ground that you want under this lug.

Are you thinking since this is a neutral lug it won't work as an equipment grounding lug? I am confused.
Here is a listing from Sqaue D for the approprite HomeLine lugs.,
Decide which you have... a Grounding Bar or a Neutral Bar and purch the appropriate lug.

Grounding Bar Kits

Field installable in all load centers

Wire size of terminals (see “Technical Information” on page 48)

Suitable for copper or aluminum wire
Available with #1—4/0 AWG lug PK15GTA-L, PK18GTA-L and PK23GTA-L
(see “Technical Information” on page 48)
Auxiliary Neutral Lugs

UL Listed for copper or aluminum wire

Field installable on neutral assembly
— LK70AN: #12–2 Al or #14–4 Cu AWG
— LK100AN: #6–2/0 Al/Cu AWG
— LK125AN: #14–2/0 Al/Cu AWG

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One answer to that question, already touched on by Dennis and myself.
If you have a 200 amp OCP the largest required EGC would be a #6 Cu or #4 AL either of which should fit the standard holes in a HOM equipment ground bar.
SquareD Digest says the ground bar is a PK15GTA, PK18GTA,and PK23GTA which supposedly come witha 4/0 lug if needed. The 200 amp panel lists the PK23GTA as the field installed equipment grounding bar.

If you happen to be using a neutral bar
SquareD lists a "larger lug" for that application as a LK70AN, LK125AN or LK125AN for their listed equipment ground bar

If the SquareD lug you have will acccept the wire, you should be good to go,

Based on their catalog, if you have a 200 amp panel, a PK23GTA ground bar should do what you want.,
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