I didn't say I've never had a failure, just that I have a reputation for it.

Of course, I have had a minor thing or two fail or get mentioned, which usually gets fixed on the spot and I pass, or soon if I wasn't there during the inspection. I can't attend all of them.
I once ran three NM's per 1/2" plastic pop-in (Halex), and the inspector said it was so neat, he hated to tell me the limit was two per. He passed it, knowing he'd see it at final.
For grins and giggles (not that it takes a lot :grin

, I checked with Halex, and they said one cable per, so I happily changed it to two like the inspector said. Hey, he's the boss!
There have been two or three times where I actually challenged a failure, and always ended up getting it passed with maybe a minor adjustment, or even without changing anything. I make sure I'm right before I challenge, but even then, it has never gotten antagonistic.
At the 7800sq.ft. house in Williamsburg that the owner designed and acted as his own GC, we were the only contractor that passed any inspection on the first call, and we passed every one. This was one where he supplied materials, and it worked out beautifully.
We once wired a home-office for receptacles, using EMT and 4" sq's on block walls. We were told we failed for lack of jumpers between the receptacles and the boxes. I said they weren't necessary, but the customer paid us to do it in the name of expedience.
The next day, we were told, the inspector called the customer and informed him that we were right, and apolgized. That was satisfying.