AHU Disconnects Location

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Have 2 AHUs in one Mech room. MCC is in a room off of the Mech room.

The AHUs have Disconnect existing, My controls sub has removed these disconnects and I have told him he not meeting code.

am I right NEC 2008 440.14

Help point me in the right path

If the units have their own breakers built in then you may not need the disconnects but you generally need a disconnect that is within sight of the AHU.
location of mcc is behind a door on the other side of the ahu access door to motor

location of mcc is behind a door on the other side of the ahu access door to motor

MCC room is on the other side of the Ahu access door to motor behind a locked door this is in a Federal prison so there are I. House personnel
MCC room is on the other side of the Ahu access door to motor behind a locked door this is in a Federal prison so there are in House personnel. But other also service AHU at times.
Use of AHUs are 24/7 operation, This is in the ADX superMax. so they never shut down but for service. I have talked to the maintains men onsite there ok with them being removed but bring up that when there off others come in to service the units or trouble shoot. the others are form the other prisons here.
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