Arc Flash

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charlie b

Staff member
Lockport, IL
Retired Electrical Engineer
A short circuit creates an arc through the air from one energized conductor to another (or to ground). This ionizes the air, and the ionized air creates a short circuit path of its own. The event continues until an upstream overcurrent device trips. The energy that can be released in this fashion can be explosive. A person within the arc flash boundary can be severely burned, and can be pushed violently away from the panel, either of which can be fatal.


Senior Member

{Moderator's Note} We generally don't allow posts that simply provide a link and say nothing about the web site to which that link will lead you. This link shows an actual arc flash event in which nobody was injured, and is therefore a good demonstration of the issue. So having added that information myself, I will allow this post to remain. I should also mention that whenever you see a youtube video, there are always a few links to other related videos on the same page. When watching this video, I noticed a link to another one that I have seen before. That other one shows an actual arc flash event in which one worker was killed. So be advised that if you do not wish to see that sort of thing, then do not follow such links.
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Senior Member
Charlotte, NC

{Moderator's Note} We generally don't allow posts that simply provide a link and say nothing about the web site to which that link will lead you. This link shows an actual arc flash event in which nobody was injured, and is therefore a good demonstration of the issue. So having added that information myself, I will allow this post to remain. I should also mention that whenever you see a youtube video, there are always a few links to other related videos on the same page. When watching this video, I noticed a link to another one that I have seen before. That other one shows an actual arc flash event in which one worker was killed. So be advised that if you do not wish to see that sort of thing, then do not follow such links.

None of the information in that video is correct. This occured in Bogata Columbia and was what ended up being a fatal accident.


Senior Member
thanks charlie, next time I will post what is in the video. I truly just wanted to show the danger of an arc flash.
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