appliance problems

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Senior Member
Dryer broke about 3 weeks ago, electrical part problem (3 yrs old) now dishwashers heater seems to not be working (1 year old). Could this be a power quality issue (spikes)? Would a whole system surge suppressor be use full in a case like this?
could be crappy foreign made crap. my dryer cost $900 and needed repair after 3 years. my last dryer cost $250 and lasted 18 years and never had a problem with it until it just fell apart.:mad:
could be crappy foreign made crap. my dryer cost $900 and needed repair after 3 years. my last dryer cost $250 and lasted 18 years and never had a problem with it until it just fell apart.:mad:

I thought I was being smart by buying a washing machine with a stainless drum. After 10 years the drum was like new when the tranny went out which cost as much as a new machine.
It's time to talk to the neighbors, see if they had any problems, when and what happened!

If everything is 100% to your meter, a bus surge surpressor might add some piece of mind. This is the cheapest at about $35.00, the ones that are self contained are quite a bite more expensive.

Maybe you got a Monday or Friday appliance, I've come to realize that in a lot of cases, I'm always on the wrong side of the percentages! :)
It doesn't bother me now that I know and just keep going...
Dryer broke about 3 weeks ago, electrical part problem (3 yrs old) now dishwashers heater seems to not be working (1 year old). Could this be a power quality issue (spikes)? Would a whole system surge suppressor be use full in a case like this?

Are the electronic components going out or things like heaters. Ciruit boards with IC chips are affected by surges more than say a heating elements.

Low voltage won't hurt a heating element it just won't get as hot. If you start having trouble with digital electronic components in your house then you are having surges or spikes ( or could have ).

So what exactly was wrong with the dryer?
What is wrong with dryer.

Not sure if all of them are this way but have run into a few that have a thermal fuse located in the exhaust duct - if you have too long of a vent run or it is getting blocked or plugged it may open this fuse, which opens the main control circuit. Dryer will not run at all.
Are the electronic components going out or things like heaters. Ciruit boards with IC chips are affected by surges more than say a heating elements.

Low voltage won't hurt a heating element it just won't get as hot. If you start having trouble with digital electronic components in your house then you are having surges or spikes ( or could have ).

So what exactly was wrong with the dryer?

The dryer had a electronic part go out that controls the heating element.
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