Service or feeder rating of NM 2-3 on NEC 310.60

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New member
Fremont Ca
Hi new here, working on my Solar installation at my own house.

it's 40 years old house, underground feed, 100A with breaker/combo meter then connect to sub panel with I think #2 3 w/ground wrapped Aluminum.

If I can upgrade to NM 2-3 copper Romex but include all type THHN, THHW #2copper all has 95 amp rating but according NEC 310.60 feeder type copper #2 has 125 amp.

my question is it correct to use Romex 2-3 to replace my Aluminum 2-3? obviously it's better, but how would I convinence Elec inspector that it's good for 100 amp? because 310.60 does not list NM type wire.

Thanks a lot
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