Dish Grounding and Conduit

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Have a commercial 18" Dish install on exterior wall, 12' above grade. For cable protection, want to run all conductors in pipe and an LB to enter building. Probably use 1" pvc. Question: My #10 dish ground and (4) coaxes- can they be run inside the pipe, enter the building and be grounded from there? The #10 from the dish would come to a bus bar, and the bus bar would continue to the building ground with #10. 4 Coaxes would be thru grounding blocks, grounded to the aforementioned bus bar. The bus bar would be within 2' of the entry into the building, and the #10 to the building ground is about 20'. Looking to know if i can include my #10 in the (pvc) pipe, and if I can use the bus bar on the inside of the wall. thanks in advance!
I would install a ground rod below the dish, bond to it and then pick up the building grounding electrode system outside. Install you coax protectors on the busbar, route a your bonding jumper backout side to the #10 from the dish. Running the 10 thru the PVC with the coax is OK but in a lighting event may cause a problem.
The required grounding rules are a bit different for the dish - Art 810 and Coax Art 820.
My method keeps the lightning energy outside.
Have a commercial 18" Dish install on exterior wall, 12' above grade. For cable protection, want to run all conductors in pipe and an LB to enter building. Probably use 1" pvc. Question: My #10 dish ground and (4) coaxes- can they be run inside the pipe, enter the building and be grounded from there? The #10 from the dish would come to a bus bar, and the bus bar would continue to the building ground with #10. 4 Coaxes would be thru grounding blocks, grounded to the aforementioned bus bar. The bus bar would be within 2' of the entry into the building, and the #10 to the building ground is about 20'. Looking to know if i can include my #10 in the (pvc) pipe, and if I can use the bus bar on the inside of the wall. thanks in advance!

The #10 from the Dish, going to the protector is not to provide a path for a strike, it is only to drain any build up on the dish, and discharge it to a ground point, your building service ground rod, if you drive a rod near the dish, you will need to run a #6 wire back to the service ground rod.
And I need to add, art 820 is for bonding the coax, art 810 is for bonding the dish or mast. The rules are similar.
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