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You don't use an indent crimper on an insulated connector, only an uninsulated connector.
Then I would use the indent on the non seamed side.
Agreed. The indent can split the sleeve open.

Maybe I was taught wrong. I don't have any links, but I was taught the dent to seem on stranded wire distributed the strands evenly side to side on a "proper" crimp. If you did it the opposite way, you would dent the strands towards a possible split.

I can't wait to hear from everyone else. Regardless of what I was taught, I will agree the indent should be seem side. I've seen many cutaways on proper and incorrect crimps. The spacing on a dent to seem side under a microscope looked much more solid and housed in my next to nothing opinion:confused:

Now to back up a minute, I am referring to using the exact tooling for the crimp itself. I don't mean an automotive tech looking at the tool and saying,....."this looks like a good one to use".:roll:
My comments are limited to insulated #10 to #22. All of my experience is with high reliability applications. Uninsulated crimps in that range are rarely speced.

The link is to an excellent essay for insulated crimp terminals.

I've got both the red Ideal and the yellow Ideal crimpers - they both work fine. I don't think I have ever used the Ideal Red uninsulated jaw.

This following is purely opinion - nothing what so ever to back it up. The last time I used uninsulated lugs, I was soldering them on component solid leads:
If you have to crimp uninsulated lugs, buy milspec. I don't think it matters which direction one puts the indent - the barrels are brazed.

edit to reduce fat finger effect

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The exact placement and the illustration and the verbage was not clear to me as well.

Page 3 or page 50, depending on how one hit the link.

Frankly its a bad combination, no where does it say to keep the set of the crimp and the exactly which way up or down to each any item.

Frankly very confusing to me as well.

If they would have put a dashed line on each side of both crimps in my stated example it would have be understood as to where the folk needed to be seated in a chrimp.

Just a bad illustration or drawing _0_ just two little lines, a world or difference...:)
From the diagram on page 50, it "appears" that they have the indent from the crimper on the opposite side of the "seam". But this is only implied from the diagram.

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