348.20 Size.
(A) Minimum. FMC less than metric designator 16 (trade size 1/2) shall not be used unless permitted in 348.20(A)(1) through (A)(5) for metric designator 12 (trade size 3/8).
(1) For enclosing the leads of motors as permitted in 430.245(B)
(2) In lengths not in excess of 1.8 m (6 ft) for any of the following uses:
a. For utilization equipment
b. As part of a listed assembly
c. For tap connections to luminaires as permitted in 410.117(C)
Section 348.20(A)(2) makes it clear that 3/8-in. flexible metal conduit is permitted to be used as the manufactured or field-installed metal raceway (11/2 ft to 6 ft in length) to enclose tap conductors between the outlet box and the terminal housing of recessed luminaires. Flexible metal conduit is also permitted to be used as a 6-ft luminaire whip from an outlet box to a luminaire.
Section 604.6(A) permits a smaller minimum size for manufactured wiring systems because the conductors are not as prone to physical damage when assembled under factory-controlled conditions.
(3) For manufactured wiring systems as permitted in 604.6(A)
(4) In hoistways as permitted in 620.21(A)(1)
(5) As part of a listed assembly to connect wired luminaire sections as permitted in 410.137(C)