Countertop overhang and island outlet placement

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New member
Does anyone here know where in the 05 NEC I can find anything regarding countertop overhangs / limitation with regard to providing outlets on an Island? Closest I can come up with is 210.52 but has nothing stating overhang. I have an inspector who likes to make things up. I need to prove my case. Thanks in advance
Does anyone here know where in the 05 NEC I can find anything regarding countertop overhangs / limitation with regard to providing outlets on an Island? Closest I can come up with is 210.52 but has nothing stating overhang. I have an inspector who likes to make things up. I need to prove my case. Thanks in advance

Look at 210.52(5) exception
Hopefully you have a side with less than 6" of overhang ,. this would be a violation as the overhang is greater than 6"
what provision would this install violate???

I would agree that it does not meet the requirements to be counted as a counter top receptacle ... but I see no violation.
what provision would this install violate???

I would agree that it does not meet the requirements to be counted as a counter top receptacle ... but I see no violation.

I have made the same argument, I propose,,,,,according to the wording,,,,,,,if there were an island with a pop up receptacle up top to meet the required outlet, I say there could be as many as you want under the overhang.

The wording "to comply with the conditions of A&B",,,,,,,,,,,SO

IMO, that tells me that if the receptacle IS NOT THERE TO COMPLY WITH A&B,,,,,,,,then the required dimensions listed after that do not apply.

You could have receptacles all the way around the island,,,,,,,and ONE ON TOP "to comply with A&B",,,,,,,and be legal
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As Bob stated. The outlet itself is not a violation however the violation is the lack of the requiredd outlet in 210.52. Thus the electrical install or lack of install, if you will, is in violation.

What some of you are saying is, if I don't install any outlets in a room that requires them then it is not a violation. It is a violation.
Now, if we could only get the building codes to add a requirement that all islands have at least one side with an overhang that meets our requirements. :roll:

The building code already meets our code in this matter. The electrical contractor can install a tombstone and be in compliance with all codes. :grin:
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