LOL where's Ceb when you need him? :grin:
On topic, I was working at a motorcycle shop, when the EC decided to try to pull through new conductors in the pipe leading to our air compressor.
Metal fish tape+live conductors+one hard push = blown up fish tape + damaged conductors + tripped main + one very PO'd business owner. :grin:
The unscheduled outage crashed the shops' point-of-sale system and created a huge headache. We lost a few transactions in process.
The EC graciously re-pulled the damaged compressor conductors and the new ones on his dime. :grin:
Needless to say a lot of people learned some valuable lessons that day.
EC (and me), not worth it to try to add conductors without puling all out and back in;
Shop owner, get UPS system for the POS system. (and schedule "major" electrical work on downtime, not regular hours.)
Service manager, bring change of shorts.

(The blowout happened right over his desk and scared him.)