Seperating nuetrals and equipment grounds.

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Can someone explain why when you leave a main panel with a feeder to a sub panel from that point on the nuetrals and equipment grounds must be seperated? The are still all tied together in the main panel.
Because tying them together in more than one place puts current on items that should not be carrying current.

It can also present a shock hazard when someone decides to use the neutral as a grounding means. Under certain conditions you can energize all the parts that should be at the same potential as ground.
Bob nailed with the "in certain conditions".
If somehow the grounding conductor that is illegally being used as a grounded conductor becomes loose or open, then the normally non current carrying parts of everything that is using that grounding conductor, will become energized to line voltage. Not good
Here's a graphic from Mike:

Thank you all for explaining an often misunderstood condition. A lot of times we know how to do things, but don't often know the 'why'.

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