KVAR Energy Controller

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It's just a capacitor in a box?!?!? I'm shocked speechless. ;):roll::grin:

Very interesting study. It proves what many, many others have said in this forum and elsewhere. Those things are a waste of money. I really hope that someday I'll have the chance to argue someone out of buying one, but thus far they don't seem to be too prevalent in my area.
100713-1325 EST

Generally I like the report.

Although the capacitor is probably a high Q device it will still have some of its own power loss. This is a continuous across the line power loss. Quite possibly not very significant.

The accuracy of the Kill-A-Watt is not real high, but is relatively good. But not as good as claimed. The VA measurement is also dependent upon the accuracy of the instruments used, and the waveforms.

The report data is good because it used real watt-hour meters and therefore there can not be a claim of lack of correlation of the instruments with the power used. The watt-hour meter is a slow process compared with using a power meter.

In my opinion there need to be state attorney generals and federal attorneys going after the fraudulent claims made or implied by some of these devices.

KVAR Report

KVAR Report

Thanks for the feedback! I agree that the Kill-A-Watt is the weakest part of the report. We tried to make the bulk of the argument based on measurements taken with the watt-hour meters. The Kill-A-Watt measurements are mostly to show why the KVAR does or doesn't save power in different configuration.
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