trapeze mounting transformer above another transformer

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Senior Member
Boston, MA
I have a very tight electrical room to which I need to trapeze mount a 75 KVA transformer. We have an electrician on board who is telling me that he does not believe that is permitted any longer.

I don't believe he's correct?

What say you?


Maybe he is confusing the dedicated electrical space requirements of 110.26(F) that only allow electrical equipment above switchboards, panelboards and MCC's.

We double stack transformers all the time.
Here in So Cal they take a dim point of view on it (for EQ reasons). The few times I have done or seen installations like that, it must be factory made wall mounting brackets that are seismic rated.

Bottom line is check with the AHJ before assuming it can or can not be done.
One thing you may want to consider is the ambient temperature on the above transformer being influenced by the heat from the below transformer. Hot air going in the bottom wont cool it off much.
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