Hypothetical Arc-fault Question

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Here is the scenario. An old house where no outlets were wired with grounds except the bathrooms and kitchen. Owner wants to replace the fuse load center with circuit breaker load center. No upgrade in size or any other changes. Under the NEC would the circuit breakers feeding the bedrooms be required to be arc-fault? Would they even work since those circuits are not grounded?
They would work as they do not need a grounding conductor to operate.
As far as the necessity to install them, I can no see where the NEC addresses that on existing circuits. I have known of a few local jurisdictions that do, but most of the ones I know of do not.
As far as the necessity to install them, I can no see where the NEC addresses that on existing circuits.

That is my position as well. If you do not extend a branch circuit or install a new one, you are not required to make an older installation compliant. Although, as Augie mentioned, some jurisdictions do require retro upgrades if the premises wiring is touched.
I agree with Gus as well,.. In my home town the inspector does not require them even on branch circuit extentions
Here is the scenario. . . .
So, David,

Since the "scenario" results in a yes or no with respect to your first question, I suspect the scenario doesn't help. I work in a large metropolitan area with multiple, different Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJ), depending upon the address of the job.

One AHJ doesn't require AFCIs upon a panel only replacement, but does require it for any extension of an existing circuit. Another AHJ doesn't require AFCIs in either panel replacement or circuit extension.

I have to answer your question based on local AHJ opinion.

Where's your local AHJ?
Thanks guys, that was my gut feeling as well but I wanted to hear from others. Guess the wisest idea would be to check with local custom on that.
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