Inspector citing 700.9(a) for standby generator

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Hello, I installed a 140KVA standby generator for a commercial building. I put placards on the generator / ATS / CT metercan and main disconnect with the required (and more) information.

The inspector turned it down citing 700.9(a) stating that I need to have placards on all the panels and subpanels.

I think they are creating busy work for themselves.

This is a standby generator but they are quoting Article 700. Article 700.1 states "emergency systems are those systems legally required and classed as emergency by municipal, state, federal, or other codes or by any governmental agency having jurisdiction"

Now my opinion is that they should not be citing anything in 700 for a standby generator. Am I correct there or do they have me with the "or other codes or by any governmental agency having jurisdiction" in 700.1??
Have you pointed out to the inspector that this is a 702 installation and not a 700?

I think that they are trying to create busy work because they are taking bids to privatize the inspection department.
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