Nyc fire alarm code

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Senior Member
Can anyone figure our this code i think i got it just checking if i am correct
fco are no longer use.
Fused disconnect painted red are used for primary power source
either for main feed to fire command useing 250.66 for gec.
For sub systems useing 250.122 for egc,
From what I remember (and I'm going back 25 years) you need a 3 pole fused disconnect L-N-L where the neutral is removable, usually a piece of copper tubing. The fuse box has to be within 10' of the main panel (one length of rigid conduit) and tapped ahead of the main breaker or disconnect. Basically, the only thing that shuts the power to the fire alarm panel is a power failure.
The new grounding requires a #8 to the FCO and a #10 solid from the FCO to the fire alarm panel.BTW now you have to use a service rated fused disconnect in lieu of the FCO
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we just had 2 floors passed by fdny inspector for strobe panels in high rise using fused disconnects and filed under new code
4pole disconnect switch

4pole disconnect switch

Im currently installing a 100AS, 100AF, 4pole disconnect switch (3 phase and i'm using the 4th pole as a removable neutral) for a fire alarm in NYC. 4#2 wire with #6 ground to the service main bus. Engineer said i didnt have to go directly to the cold water main so thats a first for me.

I'm painting the switch red myself but i was wondering what wording i need to put on the switch. I was getting a sign made up that reads "Fire Alarm Fused Disconnect Switch". Any suggestions on the wording?
nyc fire alarm code

nyc fire alarm code

i would check article 250.66 on that ground thats a gec. that i say should go to water main .
In NY C, we use FCO for strobe panels(power supplies), and they are tapped ahead of the main disconnect for the panel. In other words, so when it trips it will not but off the FA system.

My two cents...

Patty D.
Codes NEC and RCNY

Codes NEC and RCNY

Thanks for the replies. I spoke with the engineer again and after reviewing article 250 in the NEC it was determined that a direct ground to the water main is not required if we are tapping the service ground bus that is directly connected to the water main with a gec.

Just an FYI on NYC RCNY code - they are requiring 4pole disconnect switches
section 760.41 - D.2

hope this helps for future projects.

fire alarm code

fire alarm code

you would think that someone would put out a one line on all of this from the city instead of all the guessing on what to do.
dont think they are sure of what they want or what to do with the ground.
or what to use for fuse protection.
You are 100% right that FDNY should put out a clear one line diagram and describe what they require. You get a different opinion of what passes from each inspector.
fire alarm code on nyc

fire alarm code on nyc

well i went on line to the construction codes at the building dept and asked the
question it is below
a fused disconnect is required at the service grouned as per article 250.66
a fused disconnect is required for a sub system ex a strobe panel this should be grounded as per article 250.122
there answer was my interpretation was correct

of course all disconnects paintd red .and the disconnect vat the service shall be rated for a service.
FA fused disconnect neutral

FA fused disconnect neutral

What is the code for the fused disconnect neutral?

Are all the poles being used supposed to share one neutral? (Neutral bus)
Are we supposed to use a 4pole disconnect and have the 4th fuse holder with a copper rod?

I've heard both ways are the proper way to do it.

Can anybody shed some light on this for me?

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