Screwing into Asbestos Shingles

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I need to figure out how to attach three motion flood lights and about 30 feet of 1/2" PVC conduit to the side of house on asbestos shingles. Thats probably about 20 screws I need to drive through the asbestos and into the sheathing below. Is there any legal and safe way to do this? I don't see how the screws can be driven in without creating dust.
I need to figure out how to attach three motion flood lights and about 30 feet of 1/2" PVC conduit to the side of house on asbestos shingles. Thats probably about 20 screws I need to drive through the asbestos and into the sheathing below. Is there any legal and safe way to do this? I don't see how the screws can be driven in without creating dust.

I've been told just keep it wet when you're drilling it. No dust, no danger.
But I'm sure I'll be corrected.
Airborne, or friable asbestos is the issue. Some asbestos shingles crack if not drilled, so the problem is the drilling, which releases airborne fibres. It may be possible to dab a sealant onto the shingle prior to drilling, thus encapsulating the fibres while drilling is performed. However, I a not an expert; you might want to consult an expert on this subject. (I realize we are only talking about a few holes, but . .. )
Just use a spray bottle of water with your cordless drill when pre drilling the holes. Use a Mason bit with out the drill on hammer and oversize the holes. Just be careful when setting the screws as to not crack the shingle this would then make it "friable".
Used to be easy before asbestos became public enemy number 1! I remember standing on a ladder, knocking blown-on asbestos insulation off of beams to be able to attach beam clamps all day long! (getting a face full of asbestos each time!) Good times, good times!:D
I would highly recommend wearing a respirator! (a real one, not just a dust mask!) I heard a scientist once on NPR saying that the carcinogenic properties of asbestos are nothing compared to fiberglass fibers! Pretty scary! Some day all of our houses will be under plastic tents as teams of fiberglass abatement personnel rid us of the dangerous substance! This is all political. I'm sure Owens Corning et al had their high paid lobbyists taking over Washington DC to get all that asbestos competition out of their way. Now that they have the total market and the $$$, they just keep "buying" the politicians to stay on top!:mad:
Just use a spray bottle of water with your cordless drill when pre drilling the holes. Use a Mason bit with out the drill on hammer and oversize the holes. Just be careful when setting the screws as to not crack the shingle this would then make it "friable".

That makes sense. Thanks
A very top dog lung doctor and dean of a large medical school once told me that in order for a person to come down with asbestosis, they need about 20 years or so of constant exposure, coupled with a 2 pack a day smoking habit for the same amount of time. He seemed pretty sincere about it to me. Shipyard workers in the sixties and seventies usually fit this bill to a tee. Many documented cases came about. Much money for attorney's. Truth and the justice system are not always on the same path.
When FEMA was tearing down houses where I use to live the only EPA requirement was to spray water on them as they tore them down. Many had asbestos roofs and floor tiles.
are nothing compared to fiberglass fibers! Pretty scary! Some day all of our houses will be under plastic tents as teams of fiberglass abatement personnel rid us of the dangerous substance! This is all political. I'm sure Owens Corning et al had their high paid lobbyists taking over Washington DC to get all that asbestos competition out of their way. Now that they have the total market and the $$$, they just keep "buying" the politicians to stay on top!:mad:

If fiberglass fibers are deadly than I'm a dead man.
I worked around it for years before we went to concrete.
Some people worry to much!
Just use a spray bottle of water with your cordless drill when pre drilling the holes. Use a Mason bit with out the drill on hammer and oversize the holes. Just be careful when setting the screws as to not crack the shingle this would then make it "friable".

I'll go with the first sentence I don't think one would need a mason bit, but a sharp bit used slow. The stuff is compressed to an egg shell finish. Frankly, I've been thinking all along that they'd use blue, or red or yellow nails, inserts with a one hole and a metal screw...
Used to be easy before asbestos became public enemy number 1! I remember standing on a ladder, knocking blown-on asbestos insulation off of beams to be able to attach beam clamps all day long! (getting a face full of asbestos each time!) Good times, good times!:D

And you are still alive to talk about it, seems impossible according to reports about it.

If not asbestos you (and many of us) should have died a long time ago from exposure to lead, mercury, copper, UV rays, EMF's, etc. I think I should stay home ... wait a minute many of these things are at home too, I'm doomed.
I've never tried it but this idea makes sense "on the surface."

Shoot a dallop of barbasol shaving cream at the spot of drilling or screwing.

Of course, if your working with qualified asbestos, I can only recommend full abatement procedures.:)
Spray bottle with water and a masonry bit without the hammer works for me. Steel bits tend to bind when they break through, that could crack a shingle.

Just think of all that dust on top of the pipes and duct work we've been breathing in all these years.:)
I'll go with the first sentence I don't think one would need a mason bit, but a sharp bit used slow. The stuff is compressed to an egg shell finish. Frankly, I've been thinking all along that they'd use blue, or red or yellow nails, inserts with a one hole and a metal screw...

I say use a mason bit from experience. That siding will turn a regular drill bit blue from the heat. I have had to cut it out for a pop-in box before I used my roto-zip with a tile bit to cut it out while some one kept spraying it with a mist of water.


I was sent on a kitchen remodel several years ago and home owner tells me the plaster walls are asbestos. I called somebody with the city worried any amount could be fatal and was given a square foot amount that had to be disturbed which was a decent amount ( I dont recall the figure ) but shooting some screws in a shingle should'nt be a issue.
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