intersting power monitor w/ wifi

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Señor Member
Former Child

home power monitor

Looks pretty simple to install; one piece clamps over meter, has a wireless monitor. also wifi so you can check it away from home.

haven't read all the details but may be something worth trying to sell your energy conscious customers. found it online for $270.
... And makes your meter look like the Borg have assimilated it. :cool:

H'mmmmm treky fan

Me too:roll:

Thought the same thing.

I have one question,, how in the world can this device even be some watt (pun) accurate::confused:

and I could see picking up on the field EMF of a mechanical meter, but on the electronic version???

but it does show both?
Now if it had CT's I would say ok, then I would be getting paid for installing them;)
. . . . I have one question,, how in the world can this device even be some watt (pun) accurate::confused:

and I could see picking up on the field EMF of a mechanical meter, but on the electronic version???

Sensor reads the spinning disk on mechanical meters, and the IR port on smart meters. It doesn't work with every meter. They have a compatibility chart on the website. Works with most though.

Now if it had CT's I would say ok, then I would be getting paid for installing them;)

We change light bulbs for customers; something they can easily do, but pay us anyway. Just because its simple enough for the customer to do on their own doesn't mean they want to.
Sensor reads the spinning disk on mechanical meters, and the IR port on smart meters. It doesn't work with every meter. They have a compatibility chart on the website. Works with most though.

It would be nice way to keep track of energy usage, kind of like the MPG computer on my car. I didn't know about the IR port on the newer meters, tracking the spinning of the rotor in the meter must be done optically, didn't think about that one, had picking up the current fields in my mind, I take it these are battery powered? or do they plug in?

We change light bulbs for customers; something they can easily do, but pay us anyway. Just because its simple enough for the customer to do on their own doesn't mean they want to.

I know that sounded bad because I do feel consumers shouldn't need to always have to hire someone to do something if it can be safely done by them,
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