220 volt pool pump

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Altoona Pa
I am dealing with an installation of an in-ground pool where the pump is 220volt. Will a double pole gfi breaker work on a 220 volt pump motor that has no nuetral.
Actually, 430.52 is what allows it. Please explain.
430.52 limits your SCGF potection to 250% od FLC in most cases.
To esceed 20 amps, your pump would need to be larger than 2 HP.
Most of the pool pumps I have seen are not.
The GFCI portion of the CB won't work without the neutral pigtail connected to the neutral bus.

If neutral of a GFCI circuit breaker is not connected, it will only function as a circuit breaker.

Oh ok .. maybe we should put a switch on the wire? We can label the ON as "Safe" and the OFF as "Prevent nuisance trip at 3:00A Sunday holiday in the snow, dark, on vacation, uphill with no shoes." Oh wait, that probably won't fit ...:D
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