Transformers next size up OCP

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Im having a little trouble finding where it is NOT allowed to go to the next size up for a transformer conductors, Its my understanding that its for the secondary conductors only and not the primary. I know about 240.4(B), and Ive looked at 450. Im just over looking something. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Table 450.3(B) Maximum Rating or Setting of Overcurrent Protection for Transformers
600 Volts and Less (as a Percentage of Transformer-Rated Current)
Perhpas 240.21(C)
in part:
The provisions of 240.4(B) shall not be permitted for transformer secondary conductors.
Im having a little trouble finding where it is NOT allowed to go to the next size up for a transformer conductors, Its my understanding that its for the secondary conductors only and not the primary. I know about 240.4(B), and Ive looked at 450. Im just over looking something. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I will throw in my $00.02
240.21(C) states that 240.(B) shall not be permitted for transformer secondary conductors
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