Arc Fault PPE

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I'm looking for a step by step guide on computing for Arc Fault PPE. I've seen the Arc Fault caculator however, is there some explanation on where/how to get the info required on the caculator. Basically, what I need is some guidance from the start of computing for Arc Fault to converting and determining the type, class and calorie rating of the Arc Fault PPE. Including where in the electrical system can the information be found.
I'm looking for a step by step guide on computing for Arc Fault PPE. I've seen the Arc Fault caculator however, is there some explanation on where/how to get the info required on the caculator. Basically, what I need is some guidance from the start of computing for Arc Fault to converting and determining the type, class and calorie rating of the Arc Fault PPE. Including where in the electrical system can the information be found.
IEEE 1584 is the guide for conducting an arc flash analysis, but honestly, if you don't know even where to get the information, you should be hiring a consultant (Check references, there are some that have no clue).
I'm with the Government Oversite department and have seen many caculations for the same type of circuits with different Arc Fault PPE. These caculations and PPE were identified on the contractors Activity Hazard Analysis. I'm not sure if they are correct to allow the work to progress where circuits are energized. I would like to improve on my skills by learning how to compute and determine the required PPE.

I appreciate the IEEE 1584 reference, any help would work for a start.
IEEE1584 is a tool (without a doubt the most popular one) for calculationg incident energy. NFPA70E is the standard used to select PPE and applicable work practices once you know the incident energy.

Almost all incident energy calculations will require some assumptions. Assumptions made without expertise in the field will probably lead to inappropriate results. Even assumptions made with expertise can result in vastly different results, so some discussion is usually required.

Why are you questioning the results you have been given?
Thanks Jim,
I question the selected PPE mainly since in the event there is a mishap, the finger will alway point to me first for allowing the work to be performed. This has been brought up before with our other Assurance personnel. Was working on something to make it easier for all our personnel to have a better understanding on selecting the proper PPE.
Your "question" is pretty vauge, perhaps if you ask something more specific we can help more.

Even more important than PPE selection is when and why is worj being performed, the NFPA 70E is very specific about the requirements. If you are looking to avoid the finger pointing that would be the first place to start.
I'm looking for a step by step guide on computing for Arc Fault PPE. I've seen the Arc Fault caculator however, is there some explanation on where/how to get the info required on the caculator. Basically, what I need is some guidance from the start of computing for Arc Fault to converting and determining the type, class and calorie rating of the Arc Fault PPE. Including where in the electrical system can the information be found.

This link is NFPA 70E PDF
Thanks Jim,
I question the selected PPE mainly since in the event there is a mishap, the finger will alway point to me first for allowing the work to be performed. This has been brought up before with our other Assurance personnel. Was working on something to make it easier for all our personnel to have a better understanding on selecting the proper PPE.
The first thing I would question would be any assumptions that have been made.

You need to know what you would have done, and then compare that with what has been done. If you can accept the input data, you should be able to accept the output results of any commercial software.
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