How far will a Fluke Ohm meter read?

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100919-1936 EST


As you make the voltage applied to a resistor small enough I conjecture that you reach a point where a threshold exists that no current flows. I not sure it makes sense to define voltage at this low a level. However, before this at room temperature you will find electrons moving back and forth that have nothing to do with your applied voltage. The thermal activity of the resistor cause random noise current to occur.

You wont believe this, the previous owner had the pump, bladder tank, pressure switch and associated valves buried !! So the plumber had to dig all that up, and set a new system on a pad. They are going to build a little house over it that is insulated and heated.....

They do make pitless pressure tank that is intended to be buried. Pressure switch is still above ground, sounds like that is not what you had though.
Got the "green light" this morning to install a U/G line....So we're in the planning stage now...

Now that you have no need of any of the supplied solutions,
and will be replacing the entire problem with a 'new' circuit run,
... I can offer to drop by with my AT-4001
and trace a signal out to the break in the old line.

I agree with iWire, (paraphrased)
if the conductor is undersized, then just replace it.

This has been an interesting thread.
I was waiting for someone to mention an Amprobe AT-2004. They could find the short, i think, unless the line is too far down to read, but I think they go through lots of feet of earth.
Now that you have no need of any of the supplied solutions,
and will be replacing the entire problem with a 'new' circuit run,
... I can offer to drop by with my AT-4001
and trace a signal out to the break in the old line.

I agree with iWire, (paraphrased)
if the conductor is undersized, then just replace it.

This has been an interesting thread.

I havent been back out there yet, but my guess its at least a 1 or1 1/2 hp motor plus the frost protection load, and with the VD....mmm my guess is we're over the limit with 10/2 UF @125v. As soon as we get the line locates done, I'll back out there and we'll size it up
I was waiting for someone to mention an Amprobe AT-2004. They could find the short, i think, unless the line is too far down to read, but I think they go through lots of feet of earth.

Hey, I've used one of those quite a bit back in my industrial days, they are great for finding grounded phases in 3ph feeders......IF your a patient man....haha
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