Leviton TVSS

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Senior Member
Gaithersburg MD
Teacher - Master Electrician - 2017 NEC
Does anyone have any feedback or opinions on the Leviton TVSS 501120-1

I think that the correct part number is:
Leviton TVSS 51120-1

It seems like a reasonable product to me, but on the home theater forums you will find thousands of posts about how a TVSS should or should-not be constructed and installed.
You would think that the instructions should cover it. But MOV's do have serious short-comings, homes have more the one connection to the outside world and lightning refuses to follow the rules. The disagreements are more about MOVs, series or shunt mode units and using many small units and/or a main unit.
Actually in this case the house has no other electrical connections. Its has fios for all communications TV internet, and phone. No other connections exist to the utilities. The water is all CPVC.
It looks like a very reasonable product to me. Others seem to enjoy endless discussion on the subject.
my parents used to lose a few electronics every year due to lightening.

I put one of these on about 4 years ago, added a couple ground rods (sandy soil) and they haven't lost anything since.

I've also got the sealed version that mounts on a nipple on the service @ the ice machine/freezer/fish cleaning station behind my house.

Still going strong.
The discussion I remember about these has to do with the warranty offered by "power strip" products versus the lack of warranty of damaged goods this product offers.

There is something to be said for $15K guarantee offered by a power strip.
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