An engineer is telling that we must derate the conductors as per 310.60 (C) (2) (b). But doesn't this section apply to conductors rated at between 2001 and 35000 Volts only? Not conductors rated at less than 600V?
As other have already said: You are correct. There is no code requirement for you to install this other than to code minimums.
Anything else is a design issue - and the NEC is really a poor design manual.
However, I'm curious about this engineer giving you direction. So, me just guessing: The engineer is telling you that the thermal resistance of the earth does not go away just because the cables are rated less than 2001V. And since these cables are being burried 14 feet, there is going to be a heat transfer problem when the cables are loaded up. It appears the engineer picked a code section that he considered applicable, without measuring the soil thermal resistance.
we are trying to avoid having install additional conduit and an additional set of conductors.
Yes, it was readily apparent that was the reason.
If I were the owner, I'd be asking:
1. What is this going to cost me if the installation is code minimum and runs hot and fails in 5 - 10 years?
2. If the extra copper is put in now, will the installation run cooler and maybe last 25+ years?
If I were the contractor, working to a fixed price - maybe I'd be asking a diferent set of questions.
Another curiousity question: What do the drawings/specs say?