Safety glasses : They work!

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A couple weeks ago, I was working in a job with MC, and had a cable hanging from the ceiling. As I was grabbing it to strip off the sheath, it slipped out of my hand. It swung away from me, and as I reached to grab it, it swung back and smacked my (prescription) safety glasses.

It scratched the right lens real deep, and of course it was smack dab in the middle of my field of view. :mad: Well, I just got back from the optometrist's office where I had the lenses replaced. We both agreed that the lens gave it's all protecting my eye.

Yeah, it kinda pisses me off that it cost me $68 for new lenses, but that's real cheap compared to losing half my eyesight.

Then I'd have to change my username here to Cyclops or Sniper.
I used to work in a lab that made lenses for safety glasses. Occasionally we would get glasses back with broken lenses so we could put new lenses in the old frame.

Some of the stuff we got back was pretty scary. Besides busted out glass lenses we would get plastic ones with metal melted into them.

All our lenses were true safety lenses and even the glass ones had to be able to withstand a metal ball dropping on them from, IIRC, about 30 inches. It was pretty hard to bust a lens, especially when in a frame on a person and not mounted solidly to a test rig.
I had an instance were they didn't work for me, of course it was a fluke chance when I was stepping up on a bucket (I can hear the groans now!) (of course this was 25 years ago when safety was not pushed as much as is today) I was watching where I was stepping, and as I looked up a wire that was pulled into a timeclock was hanging out went between my forehead and glasses scratching my eyeball. I wore a patch for about two weeks while it healed, and suffered no permanent damagea. The eyes are the fastest healing organ in our bodies.
It scratched the right lens real deep, and of course it was smack dab in the middle of my field of view. :mad:

I hate that.

Yeah, it kinda pisses me off that it cost me $68 for new lenses, but that's real cheap compared to losing half my eyesight.

I can't believe that. Losing your eyeball would be 100% free unless you paid someone to do it for you. $68 is $68.

Then I'd have to change my username here to Cyclops or Sniper.

Yeah that does suck. Bummer.
I had an instance were they didn't work for me, of course it was a fluke chance when I was stepping up on a bucket (I can hear the groans now!) (of course this was 25 years ago when safety was not pushed as much as is today) I was watching where I was stepping, and as I looked up a wire that was pulled into a timeclock was hanging out went between my forehead and glasses scratching my eyeball. I wore a patch for about two weeks while it healed, and suffered no permanent damagea. The eyes are the fastest healing organ in our bodies.
Years ago my sister brushed back her hair with a paycheck in her hand and sliced her eyeball. Actually she worked at a optical store at the time. Like you said they heal quickly.

I've had cataract surgery in both eyes since I retired. Nine out ten times while using a weed wacker, I get hit in the face, so I always wear safety glasses while cutting grass, using a leaf blower and other power tools. I always wear heavy leather work boots, no sneakers or flip-flops like I see many wearing while cutting grass.
... Losing your eyeball would be 100% free unless you paid someone to do it for you. $68 is $68..............

Well, I just got back from going over and settling up with the peeper doctor. Total bill: Zip.

He got them redone under warranty. So I'm not gonna complain!
ten or fifteen years ago I was working with a technician who was trying to fix a machine fixture that was not working. The fixture had a spring inside it that was supposed to open the fixture unless a cylinder pushed it closed but it was stuck closed and would not open.

He started to take the thing apart, and got real close to it to take a look. No more then a few inches away.

I saw him put a hand on his safety glasses like he was going to take them off to get a better look. But, it was like he changed his mind after putting his hand on the glasses frames.

As he was moving his hand away from the glasses the whole assembly just exploded. A small piece of the assembly embedded itself in one of the lenses of his safety glasses.
I saw him put a hand on his safety glasses like he was going to take them off to get a better look. But, it was like he changed his mind after putting his hand on the glasses frames.

As he was moving his hand away from the glasses the whole assembly just exploded. A small piece of the assembly embedded itself in one of the lenses of his safety glasses.
Why did I just get goose-bumps? :cool:
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