Well my main question is would there be any issues with the welder if i had a voltage drop up to 3.5%?
Way back, installed for a welder friend, with 45 years experience.
Used #6 for a long 100' one-way run through an attic.
(1) heat de-rating
(2) VD
(3) the low duty-cycle of the welder machine, aprox 30% depending.
Although the manufacturers states that it is a 225A welder,
I know from current measurements that the duty cycle in typical welding is way low
depending on exactly which metals and type of weld in progress.
A clamp-on analog meter and an O'scope are useful in observing this phenomena.
The point is, that this transformer-based equipment
does not supply a constant load
and when the load is heavy it is still nothing like a 100% duty cycle.
The welder application is NOT comparable to a motor load
That said, the net effect of VD would be that under peak loads (which over a 60 second run are very much up and down spikey loads)
only the max spike loads would be effected by VD.
The current waveforms look like a series of "WWWWWWW", and only the peaks would suffer from VD.
The carry-over heat from one hit to the next would over-ride the minor effects of VD.
Mike makes his living from this set-up, TIG, MIG, etc.