LFMC Pics?

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Senior Member
Does anyone have any pictures showing the installation of LFMC (or any flexible cable/conduit for that matter) mounted neatly to kindorf strut? I'm trying to convince an owner that this install can be done in a "neat and workmanlike manner," and a picture might be able to convince him.
Why not make up a sample for him? It would give you both a realistic basis for a good decision.
My pics of LFMC installed in a "neat and workmanlike manner," are in the file with my pics of the easter bunny and big-foot. :)
I can't imagine that, if you are installing very much, that the use of the LFMC would be a cost effective installation. You need a lot more supports than if you are using a metallic non-flexible conduit. Even with the code required supports, it will sag between supports and will not look a good as "real" conduit. While the code permits this application, I say save the LFMC for the final connection to the equipment or places where you need the flexibility.
I think I remember seeing Iwire? post some pics a couple years ago of a job using MC cable on strut that he did for a parking garage. I'll see if I can find them....:confused:
what diameter LFMC? Horzontal or vertical run? If horizontal, which direction is the opening in the strut facing? Is stuff mounted to the strut opening or is it supporting the LFMC only? Can you just get the covers and use the strut as the raceway?
what diameter LFMC? Horzontal or vertical run? If horizontal, which direction is the opening in the strut facing? Is stuff mounted to the strut opening or is it supporting the LFMC only? Can you just get the covers and use the strut as the raceway?

Also how far apart is the unistrut? To make it "look good" with smaller diameters that strut will need to be about 2' apart. Otherwise you will get waves.
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