Exterior lighting

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I have a customer who would like a well lit backyard due to a recent break in attempt. He is against the appearance of a "farm light" but want's it to be well lit. With neighbors quite close on each side(approx 50' from C/L of his house), what size wall pak would anyone reccomend for this type of application? Mounting height will be around 18' from the ground.I don't want to overlight the area and raise concerns from the neighbors nor do I want to underlight and have a dissatisfied customer. Unable to get any good advice on this from local supplyhouse or box store associate. My original guess would be something in the 100W MH style and that's only a guess. Thanks.
It does not take a lot of lumens of light for security purposes. If a would be burglar can be seen they will usually stay away. Put smaller lights near entrances you wish to protect then you will not have complaints from neighbors. Down lights in soffits are great if that will work for you.
I agree, customer is quite elderly and not open to much in the way of suggestions. Prior to the last break, the thiefs actually unscrewed the lamps that were in the porch fixtures and entered through the back door.I really don't want to get into vandal proof fixtures with this individual because I can only sense headaches for me.
Are the lights going to be on a motion sensor? You can really light things up if the lights aren't going to be on very often.
Prior to the last break, the thiefs actually unscrewed the lamps that were in the porch fixtures and entered through the back door.

Time to outsmart the thives, maybe a fence charger connected to the door. If that fails maybe an automatic trap door. Seen the Home Alone movies again on TV last weekend - that kid had some pretty good ideas:)
I would look into wall packs designed to cut off the light above a certain angle if you're looking to replace existing floods mounted under the soffits. If you want wall packs near the doors, I'd go with either a 50W MH or a 75W MH or, if he doesn't care about color go with MV. They usually come with two sets of screws for the cover - one phillips and one tamper-proof Torx.
I would look into wall packs designed to cut off the light above a certain angle if you're looking to replace existing floods mounted under the soffits. If you want wall packs near the doors, I'd go with either a 50W MH or a 75W MH or, if he doesn't care about color go with MV. They usually come with two sets of screws for the cover - one phillips and one tamper-proof Torx.

Are mercs still on the market? I was under the impression they were to be banned by the Feds.
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