Hot Wife

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NE (9.06 miles @5.9 Degrees from Winged Horses)
EC - retired
easy....easy now.
wife is sick and well, I've got one so I used my handy thermal imaging camera. Put a smile on her face anyway. Okay. Camera said 102.1. Oral said 101.8. Should I have attempted a piece of black tape across the forehead, hers, or call it good? I had the emissivity set to .98 human skin. Not getting anywhere close tonight with what I thought were the same settings.
easy....easy now.
wife is sick and well, I've got one so I used my handy thermal imaging camera. Put a smile on her face anyway. Okay. Camera said 102.1. Oral said 101.8. Should I have attempted a piece of black tape across the forehead, hers, or call it good? I had the emissivity set to .98 human skin. Not getting anywhere close tonight with what I thought were the same settings.

LOL. I read the title and said "oh no I may have to delete my first thread". :D

I have no idea about the camera.
Just don't re-apply a load to her until she is at 98.6?
LOL;) That's hot. My amp probe has a lead for tempatures (but not infared) . I thought it was for hvac guys. But hey who knew.
Oh and Dennis Congratulations on your new moderatership ( Is that a word , it sounded good in my head?)
The internal core temp. will always be more than an external temp.

That's why one should measure temp. from under the tongue. :roll:

Frankly it matters where you where point your IR!

Salt nasal spray and even a cool shower (as opposed to Jump'n in Ocean), drains the limbs and heats up the one's body's core! IE a shock to the system. OK have her rinse Cool after a hot shower!
[QUOTE=cadpoint; I can't find my own post 1274383 OUOTE]

You have to hit todays post. As oppose to the old way of hitting new post.
I can't wrap quotes correctly. haha
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I know of a electrician who used their thermal imager on his infant daughter who was running a temperature. It clearly showed a higher temperature around her throat. She did have a throat infection that was treated with antibiotics.
wife is sick

Like Dennis said
"I have no idea about the camera",
but, from personal experience I can tell you
that the wife will not tolerate approaches
with a pair of pliers and screw-driver
to extract even a splinter !
Taking your life in your own hands. :)

This is a very innovative way of practicing your trade skills,
and I applaude you for the effort.

Seriously, though, have you thought about painting her forehead
with liquid rubber of the black color ?
I think the black tape would be too shiney (reflectivity too high),
but the soft flat black finish on the liquid rubber might work better.

This is a very innovative way of practicing your trade skills,
and I applaude you for the effort.
My amp probe has a lead for tempatures (but not infared).
I thought it was for hvac guys. But hey who knew.
" Moderatership "

Thanks for the 'better idea' !
I did not think of that, but you are right.
My DMM (Amprobe 270) has a Temp sensor that works great on circuit breakers,
and it might help with the body temp thing, also.


" Moderatership " sounds like a Palinistic-Neologism!
(aka: Sara Palin linguistic intervention). :)
Seriously, though, have you thought about painting her forehead
with liquid rubber of the black color ?
I think the black tape would be too shiney (reflectivity too high),
but the soft flat black finish on the liquid rubber might work better.

Wise up, now that you have liquid rubber (black) on your hands, :mad:
do you think any person would allow you to paint their forehead with it ???

Maybe you could just tape the DMM sensor to the forehead. :cool:
I don't have an IR camera, but I have used my Fluke IR thermometer on my daughter to take her temp while sleeping. I figure it's got to be nearly as accurate as one of the in-ear thermometers they sell :)
sick kids 106 deg temp

sick kids 106 deg temp

I was playing with a Flir at home and took a picture of my sick youngster. I downloaded the pics and while playing with the software noticed the high temp of 106 deg !!!! I stopped what I was doing and took an oral reading of 103 deg. It was the end of playing with the flir. The doctor was interested in seeing the pic.
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