120/208-240 volt 3 phase coffe maker

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has any one come across a 3 phase coffee maker with 3 hots a nuetral and a ground. amprage on the machine is 25.6- 28, i am lost do i need to hard wire or can i use SO cord with a twist lock, it would have to be a 5 wire plug or should i hard wire it with a safety switch.
Three phase

Three phase

has any one come across a 3 phase coffee maker with 3 hots a nuetral and a ground. amprage on the machine is 25.6- 28, i am lost do i need to hard wire or can i use SO cord with a twist lock, it would have to be a 5 wire plug or should i hard wire it with a safety switch.

Lets see the nameplate. I'll bet a small lunch that it ain't 3 phase.
SDight unseen, based on the equipment I've seen, I'd go cord & plug.
Aside from filter coffee makers, many of the espresso machines can be wired for three phase. Pumps and controls might be wired 120V or 208V and the (usually 2) elements in the boiler can be split among the phases. Probably rare, but I've seen it.
No Lunch

No Lunch

Better get your lunch money ready cause if you Google 3-phase coffee makers a whole bunch of commercial size units come up. I saw one that is 12kW.

Read the manuals. They use 2 phases of a 208/120 volt system, 120 Volts or 240 Volts - all single phase connections.
Phase rotation

Phase rotation

Yes, but if the phase rotation is wrong, it will put you to sleep.

On large ship the rotation to the coffee maker had to be switched when crossing the equator. IF their wasn't a savy electrican or maintenance officer on board the whole ship could fall asleep.
3 Phase Coffee Machine: :)


3 Phase Coffee Machine: :)

Interesting that it needs 4 wire with a ground for 3 phase or single phase. I suspect on single phase one wire isn't used. Without a diagram it would be hard to know if the elements are 3 phase or as the other posted stated .
Three phases coffee tastes so much better than single phase coffee. :cool:
Is it 3 times better, or is it 1.732 times better?

Complications arose during an investigation of dietary influence; one research was unable to assimilate adipose tissue, and another was unable to consume tissue consisting chiefly of muscle fiber. By a reciprocal arrangement between the two researchers, total consumption of the viands under consideration was achieved, thus leaving the original container of the viands devoid of content.

Is that the Jack Sprat nursery rhyme?

Jack Sprat could eat no fat.
His wife could eat no lean.
And so between them both, you see,
They licked the platter clean
Read the manuals. They use 2 phases of a 208/120 volt system, 120 Volts or 240 Volts - all single phase connections.

Page 5 of the manual clearly indicates 3 phases, plus neutral connection on 3-phase models.

Regardless of what it may use internally, the power connection required on a 3-phase model is all three phases.

Some people will try anything to not pay up on a bet:cool:
Interesting that it needs 4 wire with a ground for 3 phase or single phase. I suspect on single phase one wire isn't used. Without a diagram it would be hard to know if the elements are 3 phase or as the other posted stated .

Take a look at the power output.
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