Greenhouse Codes

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I am designing the electrical for a new research building and the Architect has included an option for a Greenhouse. I cannot find any code requirements pertaining to this type of structure. My main question is Lighting. The greenhouse designer has specified (15) 400W HID grow lights. I know I have to include them in my load calcs, but do I need to include them in my comcheck?


Senior Member
I am designing the electrical for a new research building and the Architect has included an option for a Greenhouse. I cannot find any code requirements pertaining to this type of structure. My main question is Lighting. The greenhouse designer has specified (15) 400W HID grow lights. I know I have to include them in my load calcs, but do I need to include them in my comcheck?

What is a comcheck?


Senior Member
I would consider the greenhouse lighting a "process load" which would make it exempt from the lighting power limitations.

I would consider the greenhouse lighting a "process load" which would make it exempt from the lighting power limitations.

I had thought of that as well. I have actually fixed the issue though. In talking with the Greenhouse Designer all of the 400W HID grow lights will receptacle loads. Meaning they will be wired through a Nema rated TwistLock plug to a receptacle so they can be moved around inside the Greenhouse. This classifies them as Task lighting which in the 2009 IECC section 505.5.1 #6 makes them exempt from the total connected load calculation.

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