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I do have a problem with the search, I can't use quotations to do a multiple word or phrase search, it ignores the " " and returns the same results? even using the + sign that some search engines use doesn't work.
I do have a problem with the search, I can't use quotations to do a multiple word or phrase search, it ignores the " " and returns the same results? even using the + sign that some search engines use doesn't work.

I believe it always was like that. NO?
I must of missed something along the way..

I must of missed something along the way..

I'm still trying to figure out how new paint and wall paper keeps out the hackers.
New paint and wallpaper

New paint and wallpaper

I'm still trying to figure out how new paint and wall paper keeps out the hackers.
The change happened because we had to upgrade Forums, the paint and wallpaper upgrade was part of the deal. We weren't trying to change the look of things. The security issues forced us to upgrade and now our webmaster has been working on making it as user-friendly as we can. The goal was not to make things harder, and we will keep improving it as much as the new forum will allow. Remember that you can send any specific suggestions to webmaster@mikeholt.com and we will see if we can make them happen.

Sorry for not doing a good communicating this to everyone, this was not a cosmetic change in any way simply trying to solve a problem that was not going away and now trying to work our way into making this new system as user-friendly as the old system.

Belynda Holt Pinto
The change happened because we had to upgrade Forums, the paint and wallpaper upgrade was part of the deal. We weren't trying to change the look of things. The security issues forced us to upgrade and now our webmaster has been working on making it as user-friendly as we can. The goal was not to make things harder, and we will keep improving it as much as the new forum will allow. Remember that you can send any specific suggestions to webmaster@mikeholt.com and we will see if we can make them happen.

Sorry for not doing a good communicating this to everyone, this was not a cosmetic change in any way simply trying to solve a problem that was not going away and now trying to work our way into making this new system as user-friendly as the old system.

Belynda Holt Pinto

Belynda, tell Joe that all the hard work he is doing is well appreciated, as with Danny before, I know how hard it is to fine tune forum software that is some times poorly written, or doesn't have to necessary options in the code, or that certain options can conflict with others, went through crashing a forum I was admin for a few times trying to work out bugs or implementing forum templates to add options, and to get it finally working only to find a few members computers don't like something, then it has to be reversed to find what was causing it, so its not an easy task.

again Thanks for the update.
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Perhaps it's because I'm a young-buck (not enough experience, way too much(many?) hormones) but is this really that big of a deal? Websites are modified all the time, I really don't see how this is any different than going to a mfg website and seeing their format changed as it happens all of the time.

On a self-contradictory note though I do wonder who is trying to hack mikeholt forum? Likely one of those programming nerds who was sitting next to me in some classes cause the department was consolidated under "Electrical Engineering and Computer Science" back when I was in my school...
Funny how ungrateful people can be. :mad:

I am as entitled to my opinion as you are to yours.

Well we just wanted to keep Scott away and apparently it is working. :D

Just for that, I'm not leaving!

The change happened because we had to upgrade Forums, the paint and wallpaper upgrade was part of the deal. We weren't trying to change the look of things.\

At the risk of upsetting Mike Parks, IMO that is the part that I don't like. I find the colors combined with the layout to be uncomfortable to read.
The demarcation between a post and the signature needs to be more pronounced, IMO. Similar problem with read and unread post-- not enough contrast between the two.
Can someone explain what is the difference between "What's New?" and "New Posts"?

P.S. I love this forum and I love Mike Holt and I love the moderators and the webmaster and all of the people who make this site the best on the web.
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