closed threads

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I always did my own work. Not everyone can afford trades people and some that can afford get a satisfaction of learning new things. Some just like the physical nature of the work--a change from their daily routine.
I always did my own work. Not everyone can afford trades people and some that can afford get a satisfaction of learning new things. Some just like the physical nature of the work--a change from their daily routine.
A DIY'r and moderator all in one!;) I like doing my own stuff as well, up to a point.

I don't really mind a DIY'r as long as they are DIR's (Do It Right-ers). I don't mind showing people how do do stuff either, up to a point. I can't take my knowledge with me and I suspect it will be useless on the other side anyway.:)
I don't really mind a DIY'r as long as they are DIR's (Do It Right-ers).
Really! Just tonight, one of my friends, who has been finishing his basement for about 10 years :)roll:), asked how would an appraiser know if he chose not to insulate the walls before he drywalled. Unbelievable.

Like "tourist season"? :confused::grin:

The OP is about DIYers, not apprentices. There's a huge, bottomless chasm between them.
Sparky, being a DIYer does not make a person stupid. We don't close DIY threads because we moderators or the owner of this forum think DIYers are less smart or less able than we are, we close them because the forum is intended for
  • Contractors
  • Electricians
  • Engineers
  • Inspectors
  • Instructors
  • Other electrically related individuals
not DIYer's.

I would be a little upset if I was condsidered stupid for working on my car or Harley, hanging my own dry wall, doing my own plumbing, woodworking, etc.... I'm pretty sure we are all DIYers in some form.

Sparky, being a DIYer does not make a person stupid. We don't close DIY threads because we moderators or the owner of this forum think DIYers are less smart or less able than we are, we close them because the forum is intended for
  • Contractors
  • Electricians
  • Engineers
  • Inspectors
  • Instructors
  • Other electrically related individuals
not DIYer's.

I would be a little upset if I was condsidered stupid for working on my car or Harley, hanging my own dry wall, doing my own plumbing, woodworking, etc.... I'm pretty sure we are all DIYers in some form.


Well said sir.
I quite like reading the (usually closed) DIYer questions; although some DIYers are as competent as any tradesman, some are, well, clueless, and these latter group i find entertaining. Just what does "wont trip breakers that are grounded" mean anyway...
You know it is strange that we cannot help a guy who has , in most cases, every legal right to work on his own home without a license, yet we often talk helpers thru similar situations where they are doing side work. I would prefer to tell him how to do it correctly rather than see him get hurt or do it incorrectly, but I understand the liability issue.
Sparky, being a DIYer does not make a person stupid. We don't close DIY threads because we moderators or the owner of this forum think DIYers are less smart or less able than we are, we close them because the forum is intended for
  • Contractors
  • Electricians
  • Engineers
  • Inspectors
  • Instructors
  • Other electrically related individuals
not DIYer's.

I would be a little upset if I was condsidered stupid for working on my car or Harley, hanging my own dry wall, doing my own plumbing, woodworking, etc.... I'm pretty sure we are all DIYers in some form.


We're all DIYers in one sense or another. it's not my intention to consider anyone who Does It Themself as stupid. It's just they think the rules here somehow magically don't apply to them.
yet we often talk helpers thru similar situations where they are doing side work.
Not if we know that is the case. If you search many of these type situations you will see where we have advised the helper that he is in over his head and he should ask his supervisor and at times have closed the thread. If anyone knows a helper is moon lighting they should notify us.
I would prefer to tell him how to do it correctly rather than see him get hurt or do it incorrectly, but I understand the liability issue.
Members are allowed to do this in PM's if they choose to do so, but not knowing the mechanical knowledge and application level of the DIYer I would advise against it.

You know it is strange that we cannot help a guy who has , in most cases, every legal right to work on his own home without a license, yet we often talk helpers thru similar situations where they are doing side work. I would prefer to tell him how to do it correctly rather than see him get hurt or do it incorrectly, but I understand the liability issue.
PMs are not screened are they?

add: nevermind. Just saw Roger's post
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