wire pull

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Senior Member
Was wondering what the best set up was for pulling about 100 ft of 4 #3/0 & 1 #6 in an existing 2 inch pvc with 4 sweeps, installing new 120/208 panel in TI
since 30 ft of the pvc is exposed in TI would it be wise to replace the sweeps with emt the rest of the run is under concrete to switch gear.
Kellem grip, lots of lube and rent a tugger was my plan??
Yesterday, me and a coworker did 2 pulls @ 80', 2" EMT, 350?, 4-#3/0 & 1-#3 by hand with "no-lube" wire and 1/4" rope. I fed and he pulled. I had a hand crank tugger on-site, but the pull turned out to be really easy, so we did not use the tugger. The no-lube wire is easy to pull. I don't know if the no-lube will slide as easy in your PVC. Maybe you should swab the PVC prior to pulling wire.

You are probably OK keeping the whole run PVC.

Kellums is OK, but i just "served" a pulling head on the 1/4" rope.
I think I'd only be concerned if it was wet and I'd really be concerned if muddy! :mad:
It depends on what the condition of the pulled out circuits are!

If not wet or muddy, I'd run a rag through once just for giggles, maybe a pipe cleaner if needed!

Sure, use a good rope, loop through the kellam grip with the wires and tape is up.
Feed the lub into the raceway, with the head ready for insert with a garden hand shovel. : )
Was wondering what the best set up was for pulling about 100 ft of 4 #3/0 & 1 #6 in an existing 2 inch pvc with 4 sweeps, installing new 120/208 panel in TI
since 30 ft of the pvc is exposed in TI would it be wise to replace the sweeps with emt the rest of the run is under concrete to switch gear.
Kellem grip, lots of lube and rent a tugger was my plan??

If it is underground you would be smart to use GRC { 300.6(A) (1)(2)(3)} (PVC is code compliant, but the risk of burnthrough is great) to be code compiant.The no lube wire everyone is talking about? I believe it is Simpull from Southland, and wow is it nice. Just make sure that the wire is at least THWN for a minimum.

I would think XHHW would be the call, but then I'm a Sunday afternoon Quarterback calling shots for your project where?
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