wiring thru flour fixtures

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2011 is a bit different.

410.64 Luminaires as Raceways. Luminaires shall not be
used as a raceway for circuit conductors unless they comply
with 410.64(A), (B), or (C).
(A) Listed. Luminaires listed and marked for use as a raceway
shall be permitted to be used as a raceway.
(B) Through-Wiring. Luminaires identified for throughwiring,
as permitted by 410.21, shall be permitted to be
used as a raceway.
(C) Luminaires Connected Together. Luminaires designed
for end-to-end connection to form a continuous assembly,
or luminaires connected together by recognized wiring
methods, shall be permitted to contain the conductors of a
2-wire branch circuit, or one multiwire branch circuit, supplying
the connected luminaires and shall not be required to
be listed as a raceway. One additional 2-wire branch circuit
separately supplying one or more of the connected luminaires
shall also be permitted.
Jumper, that wording has actually been in the code for awhile but it was 410.65.

From the 08

410.65 Wiring Supplying Luminaires Connected Together.
Luminaires designed for end-to-end connection to form a continuous assembly, or luminaires connected together by recognized wiring methods, shall be permitted to contain the conductors of a 2-wire branch circuit, or one multiwire branch circuit, supplying the connected luminaires and need not be listed as a raceway. One additional 2-wire branch circuit separately supplying one or more of the connected luminaires shall also be permitted.

I cannot connect two FL. fixtures with a nipple and connect the wiring?
Absolutely you can, this is where the
or luminaires connected together by recognized wiring methods,
comes into play. This allows you to use nipples, cable assemblies, conduit, tubing, etc... and wire through the fixtures.

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