Generator / transfer switch

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Assuming the generator is big enough to supply the load is it ok to run 2 different transfer switches to feed two different services?
Feeding two services is more complicated than one as there is a neutral / ground bond in each service entrance, so this arrangement generally requires four pole transfer switches, with the N/G bond on the genset with the associated ground rods.
Solid neutral 3 poles ats

Solid neutral 3 poles ats

Yes and no you can use a 3 pole transfer switch with a solid neutral if you like .

And have three different service feeds with the neutral bonded in each switchboard on one generator .

You dont bond the neutral in the genset its already done in the switchboards .
Assuming the generator is big enough to supply the load is it ok to run 2 different transfer switches to feed two different services?

Are you talking about 2 separate services or are you talking 2 MDP's on the same service? Some times the wording can throw the answer in a different way.

Yes and no you can use a 3 pole transfer switch with a solid neutral if you like .

And have three different service feeds with the neutral bonded in each switchboard on one generator .

You dont bond the neutral in the genset its already done in the switchboards .

Agreed, the bond would be in the utility disconnect or if the ATS's were service rated the bond would be in the ATS. Then no bond in the gen. and run it as a non-separately derived system.
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