practical exam in oyster bay ny

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hey guys , quick question
has anyone on this forum ever taken a practical exam ( anywhere in the country)
where you would be given 6 different wires #1, 2/o etc.....ANY SIZE REALLY,with NO markings, from the examiner, and asked to identify the size, amp rating , insulation and degree of insulation. Just curious as to know if im the only one spitting in the wind , in this crooked freaking town of oyster bay ny. The cocky bastard was actually grinning as he was giving me the wire ? Thanks:
Yes, I had similar. Not wire, but asked to identify hickeys, reducerwashers, jakes and such for a test. It's sort of a sneaky thing to do to a greenhorn but it makes you learn. After working with wire for a while you will know the ga just by feeling it with your hand.
hey guys , quick question
has anyone on this forum ever taken a practical exam ( anywhere in the country)
where you would be given 6 different wires #1, 2/o etc.....ANY SIZE REALLY,with NO markings, from the examiner, and asked to identify the size, amp rating , insulation and degree of insulation. Just curious as to know if im the only one spitting in the wind , in this crooked freaking town of oyster bay ny. The cocky bastard was actually grinning as he was giving me the wire ? Thanks:

I guess you could have replied, " I'm sorry sir, But these conductors do not meet the NEC requirements stated in section 310.11. But then again, why poke the snake with the stick. :)
well ,i guess im just frustrated , ive been doing electrical work for 22 years, and its real agravating, its more they way they give you that grinning look like they know they are going to fail you before you walk in the door, especially that the guys testing you , on the electrical board , are liscenced contracters themselves, thanks
The motor starter is cake. The wire size is based on the TW chart. I asked the proctor. It made the guessing alot easier. The hardest one is that piece of old SEU cable that you cant bend.

hey guys , quick question
has anyone on this forum ever taken a practical exam ( anywhere in the country)
where you would be given 6 different wires #1, 2/o etc.....ANY SIZE REALLY,with NO markings, from the examiner, and asked to identify the size, amp rating , insulation and degree of insulation. Just curious as to know if im the only one spitting in the wind , in this crooked freaking town of oyster bay ny. The cocky bastard was actually grinning as he was giving me the wire ? Thanks:
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