Providng Service Ground in Solid Rock

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Looking for recommendations for providing service ground in solid rock. Is it best to drill rock then surround ground rod with material?
Looking for recommendations for providing service ground in solid rock. Is it best to drill rock then surround ground rod with material?
Are there any other electrodes present, or can they be added?

Is the rock at grade or is it below some soil or other comparatively softer earth? If the latter, at what depth is the rock?
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My understanding from the contractor is that there is no soil on top of the rock and I do not know the depth of the rock
My understanding from the contractor is that there is no soil on top of the rock and I do not know the depth of the rock
If this is new construction, is there going to be a concrete foundation with which a concrete-encased electrode can be created?
Looking for recommendations for providing service ground in solid rock. Is it best to drill rock then surround ground rod with material?

IIRC, a ground rod has to be driven. Putting it in a hole and filling in around it would not meet code. However, I don't see why you could not drill a hole, fill it in, and then pound the rod in. Probably are going to need two rods anyway if you end up using rods.

I vote for a CEE as well unless there is some other issue going on like this is a cell tower or an antenna. if that were to be the case, the engineer would have plans for you showing exactly what to do.
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