American Electricians' Handbook

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Senior Member
I ran accross my copy of the Anerican Electricians' Handbook this weekend.

Some of the information seems dated, but there is a lot of good information in there.
I am not sure if all of the tables are still accurate or need to be updated.
My copy almost is 20 years old. 12th edition 1992.

After looking it over, I was wondering that with all of the information on the internet, does anyone still reference this book?
I like books!

I think everyone should read this one just cause it's there! :) :happyyes:

Everyone's Library Card up to date?

I just got mine a few weeks ago. I haven't had one for 30 years.
Seems that you could take out CD's to load on your iPod for free. :thumbsup:
What electrican book do you not have ? I know that you have the most

extensive collection of code books ever. Does NFPA call you for refrence ?

Has any one read "Power's New Question and Answer Book" It has chapters

on steam turbines, elevators, electricity, lubrication etc. From 1945. Very

interesting read.


Ive got mine holding up my monitor above my cat and mail on my desk. It was a real education when studying for my exam. I haven't looked at it since.:happysad:
What electrican book do you not have ? I know that you have the most

extensive collection of code books ever. Does NFPA call you for refrence ?

Has any one read "Power's New Question and Answer Book" It has chapters

on steam turbines, elevators, electricity, lubrication etc. From 1945. Very

interesting read.

My oldest electrical book:


480- I could probably match that :cool:. No pic because they're spread over multiple shelves mixed with other things.
edit- there's a 1914 Handbook for Electrical Engineers, I think that's the earliest I've found so far.
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