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Like I have stated in previous posts, don't do work with out of state contractors. We call them mall-rats.
They travel all over, get local subs to do the jobs, the jobs are finished before a pay cycle, they are gone in a cloud of smoke, and you are left holding the bag.
Oldest trick in the book.
I'm sure the GC signed a waiver stating all of his bills were paid. If so, that is fraud. But like most mall-rats, they are paying for past jobs with your money, and any legal action will just drive them into bankruptcy.

Move on and write it off
You lose

You lose

I used to never question company's till I got burned for 70K. There is no way to get money from someone who won't pay you. Even if you win in court they can't make them pay you. A few things I learned the hard way. You only have 90 days from the last day you worked on a property to have a mechanics placed on it and you better know the last day for sure cause they do. Also in a bankruptcy any money paid to you in the 90 day period prior to them fileing for bankruptcy must be returned to the bankruptcy trustee (bottom feeding shark lawyers) for redistribution. This really hurts when you think the money you were paid is yours but it's not. It's supposed to be because the company is technically insolvent for that period and they could choose favorites to be paid. Secured credit is always paid first which is not you. The money that gets clawed back does not get redistributed, The backruptcy trustee charges the estate $220.00 per hour and eats all that money up so there is none left for those it should go to.
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