kilowatt hours

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is not, in fact, a fact.
Just thought I'd clear that one up.

The clear-up you offered was apropos and nothing you said was incorrect.

My comment on tangents wasn't specifically directed at you, it was meant for all of us, just coincidental to being after your post. My concern was that since we ALL tend to go off on tangents, the OPs sometimes get lost in them and too far afield from getting the answer they were looking for.
You can still install a meter to monitor kwh and in most areas you can charge what you paid for the electricity.

In other words the illegal part would be reselling the power for profit.

I think laws pertaining to RV parks address how this works. For manager owned meters, in one example regulation I've read, the user has the right to ask for validity of calibration for the duration of billing period, provided with means of contesting the charge and outlines how the charge maybe allocated.
I was curious about state laws but couldn't phrase a google search well enough to find anything. I e-mailed Davidge Controls (they sell sub-metering equipment), they said only California and Maryland regulate sub-meters, I have the feeling I didn't phrase my question well enough for this answer to apply.
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