pennsylvania ICC masters electrician test questions.

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Pottstown, PA
Hey everyone, I am new to the site and really excited about this forum.I have been lost in it for hours now and am loving the amount of knowledge I am soaking up, thanks!

So I just started working for myself as a EC and I have insurance and I just filed for my Pennsylvania contractors license and have been able to get licenses in some townships in the philly suburbs. I would really like to get a masters license from the ICC so that I am covered everywhere. I was wondering if there is any schools in the area that offer some test crash course or a short program. I would really like to take the test but know I am in no way ready for it. I live in Pottstown and I cant seem to find any schools in the area that even know what I am talking about. All of the older electricians I know are Grand Fathered in everywhere and I feel real alone in trying to figure out all that I need to do to be a fully licensed electrician in Pennsylvania.

Thanks in advance, again I am new and highly respect you guys for your input!

-Mike Robinson
no there isn't. But the city of Philadelphia requires you to pass a test done by the ICC to be licensed in their city. And basically if your good in philly most suburb townships will honor that. I just need a crash course on how to pass this ICC test.
I remember living in PA, all i needed was insurance and a $100 bucks license fee!! haha is funny but really its not. what a scary thought. I had all kind's of licenses up there. eventually got a big city license with an exam. They are cracking down a bit up there. be careful!! not to be a party pooper, but if your not ready for an exam, your not ready to be an electrical contractor.:blink:.
business is hard, it dont take much to get yourself in a bind. know the difference between s corp, c corp,LLC, insurance limits, workers comp, sole proprietor, and what it means to personal guarntee something.
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