Strut clips that allow PVC to move

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Staff member
I had to install a bunch of these in the last few days, I was not even sure they made them until looking in a B-Line catalog.

352.30 Securing and Supporting. PVC conduit shall be
installed as a complete system as provided in 300.18 and
shall be fastened so that movement from thermal expansion or
contraction is permitted.
PVC conduit shall be securely fastened
and supported in accordance with 352.30(A) and (B).

Come on can't post this and not include the part number.

Is this the one?

Still can't select after an image to enter text!

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I'd like them a lot better if they had some type neopreme or gasket material on the inside of the instide stap so they could be snug yet still move.

I never did like the way the pipe hangs so loose in the strap.

To me, no matter how fancy the strap,Pvc doesnt look good running along an outside wall.
I'd like them a lot better if they had some type neopreme or gasket material on the inside of the instide stap so they could be snug yet still move.

I really don't see why.

I never did like the way the pipe hangs so loose in the strap.

It is no supposed to secure it, only support it.

To me, no matter how fancy the strap,Pvc doesnt look good running along an outside wall.

I hear you, if it was up to me PVC would stay underground. :)
Your right about the support thing. We could use 6" 2 hole straps to support it, but it would look even worse yet.:)
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