foot candles in church santuary

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I don't think there is any code requirement under the IBC besides

1205.3 Artificial light. Artificial light shall be provided that is adequate to provide an average illumination of 10 foot-candles (107 lux) over the area of the room at a height of 30 inches (762 mm) above the floor level.
I typically go for at least 30 fc since there is a real mix of ages. Some congregations need more light. Remember, it's easy to dim "too bright" down. But without considerable expense, you can't "fix too dim" !!! RC
As the titles says what would be the requirement for the recommended foot candles in church santuary.

I've been asked in bid 36 - 6" 100 watt can lights at 24 ft in the drop tile ceiling
in a 4800 sq' sanctuary . Seems a bit lacking and thats to include the stage area also.
I've been asked in bid 36 - 6" 100 watt can lights at 24 ft in the drop tile ceiling
in a 4800 sq' sanctuary . Seems a bit lacking and thats to include the stage area also.

What footcandle value are you calculating?

Try one of the freebee RCR calculators.
I've been asked in bid 36 - 6" 100 watt can lights at 24 ft in the drop tile ceiling
in a 4800 sq' sanctuary . Seems a bit lacking and that's to include the stage area also.

I am out of town on vacation but a rough calculation on my spreadsheet program might be of help. It would look like you are below 5 fc overall!

Who did the drawings? Are they stamped by an engineer? I sure wouldn't put out drawings with such poor lighting! You may want to either question the design - or run like , well you know, the other way.

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